ON Wednesday, January 29, Longdon Churchwomen's Fellowship met in the Village Hall for their new year service and annual meeting. The vicar, the Reverend Chris Moss, led an informal act of worship, focusing on the theme of freedom from anxiety. Afterwards he played five pieces of favourite music on CD explaining why each was particularly significant.

On Thursday, February 13, Bob Green from Bishops Wood Environmental Centre visited Longdon St Mary's School to help create the new pond, the next stage of the ECO project. The improvement of the school grounds is a whole community project, led by the children, but adult help from parents and friends was very much appreciated. The school is grateful to those who lent garden tools and donated materials, saving the school money.

The school OFSTED inspection was successfully completed last week and the results will be published in due course. Inspectors frequently commented very positively during their visit on the courtesy of the children and on the interest and support shown by parents.

On Monday Longdon Church Choir will be rehearsing at St Mary's Church from 6.30-7.30pm. The choir mistress, Wendy Thompson, would be pleased to hear from anyone interested in joining on (01684) 833256. On Tuesday the benefice magazine will be printed and collated in Longdon Vicarage from 9am-4pm.