WE are very well aware of the importance of physical exercise to us all.

However, we feel that new sports facilities at our local high school in Cleobury Mortimer are being bargained for to the detriment of many of us in the local community.

A large developer wishes to put up 70 new houses on school fields, while exchanging other land for the school to use to build a sports stadium with the help of lottery money.

Cleobury has already built all the new houses required by Government. Even more houses pouring their vehicles onto the roads will create a nightmare situation - even with, or despite, a new mini roundabout, traffic lights and speed bumps.

Whenever there is a power cut in Cleobury, raw sewage cannot be pumped up from the new housing estates to the sewage works. The last time electricity was off it lasted for four days.

We implore anyone involved in this scheme to come to Cleobury at about 8am or earlier, and watch traffic through our High Street, which already becomes gridlocked for a big part of the day.

A lot of huge lorries use this route, together with commuters.


Cleobury Mortimer

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