I WOULD like to add my comments to the article "£2,000 plan to boost tourists" in last week's Shuttle/Times and News.

As virtually a lifelong resident of Stourport, I agree any plan to encourage more visitors to boost business has got to be a good thing.

Might I suggest improvements to the pavements around Coopers Lane and Raven Street would not only make it safer for everyone, but would also be a great benefit to the community and tourists.

Stourport is billed, and rightly so, as a holiday destination for many people, but what an unsightly welcome awaits them in Bridge Street.

The road surface from the bridge to the junctions of York Street and New Street is a disgraceful patchwork quilt of holes and uneven shoddy repairs, joined together with the odd patch of level tarmac.

The pavements, particularly on the Coopers Lane side of the road, are just as bad, and I am surprised no-one has been injured.

This situation is exacerbated by the unacceptable condition and appearance of the shop on the corner of Raven Street and the shop further up the road covered by green boarding. These premises have been in this state of disrepair for over 10 years.

The authorities seem totally disinterested (or powerless) in cleaning up this blight on the town.

I am sure if a householder let their property lapse into such a state of disrepair, the authorities would soon be round knocking on the door with warrants and orders.


Swiss Heights
