As a nation we have been encouraged to complain about anything with which we do not agree. This has led to an environment where there is so much complaining "noise" that our government can actively ignore groups who need to express their frustrations, and then to professionally demonise those groups that make progress in expressing their concerns.

Surely it is time to start appreciating the good service we receive from people within service organisations who just wish to do a good job for their employers and their customers.

We, the silent majority, must make sure that our voice is heard before the downward spiral of complaining leads us to losing the people in the various service industries that we most depend upon.

As I sat in Honeybourne recently with the water supply accidentally disconnected by contractors resolving the villages flooding problems, it would be too easy to be selfish and complain about this inconvenience. In fact, I was on the receiving end of some highly professional management from the men in the trenches, their management and the water supply company.

We enjoy a first class postal service here, with regular and timely deliveries by hard-working

post-women who are excellent ambassadors for their company.

Our refuse collection service simply could not be more efficient with regular, predictable collections by workmen who are physically working hard and effectively.

The delivery of newspapers is always timely unless affected by occasional incidents outside of local control.

These are examples of individuals who are delivering real service and making the difference, rather than necessarily the companies they work for. We must not take for granted their enthusiasm to satisfy us.

It is important that we do complain, but we should be careful not to become habitual complainers - "whinging poms". The real problem to address is how do we overcome political news-management to change the agenda from minority issues dominating the national agenda to

the mainstream issues that affect us all, such as the government-led rape of our pension funds.

Steve Bullen, Stratford Road, Honeybourne, Evesham, Worcs.