MR CHADWICK'S ill informed correspondence regrettably continues.

This council's finances and methods of operation are under increasing levels of scrutiny and have not been found wanting, quite the reverse.

Similarly the county council has recently been classified as good and this despite a well known lack of Government support for its services.

I am pleased that the efficiency of our collection service is recognised including from intransigent old ladies who have tens of thousands of pounds at their disposal and much of our service delivery achieves high standards, eg most improved planning authority, national recognition for best public toilets.

The democratic process provides a blend of 49 councillors for Wychavon who all bring their own skills and approach to delivering local government service and it is this mixture of styles, knowledge and ability that helps ensure balance in what we do.

Indeed Mr Chadwick is now fortunate in being represented by Cllr Paul Middlebrough who as a former county treasurer brings exceptional technical expertise which is coupled with the forcefulness of an elected member.

MALCOLM C MEIKLE, Leader of Wychavon District Council, Civic Centre, Pershore.