SOME chubby cricketing buddies from Alvechurch will be going into bat against the bulge to raise cash for their club.

After months of planning, 30 members and friends of Alvechurch & Hopwood Cricket Club will be having a mass weigh-in on Saturday, January 18, before the dieting begins.

The larger-than-life sportsmen are setting themselves the challenge of 'losing a team-mate in weight' before the start of the season in the spring.

As the average cricketer's weight looks set to top 15 stone, each will aim to shed at least half a stone.

Money raised will be used to buy equipment and improve facilities at the club.

Club captain Nick Jones said: "As the date approaches, one or two of our more portly, ever-expanding participants have expressed concerns as to whether they can reverse the trend of the last few years and actually lose weight.

"Others have light-heartedly indicated they will be going on a massive beer and curry binge on the night before the weigh-in so as to facilitate an 'instant weight loss' straight after.

"Some are making virginal forays into the low-fat food section of their encyclopaedia for inspiration.

"These are genuinely uncharted waters for most of them."

Each participant needs to raise over £80 during the challenge and organisers are hoping the total raised will be at least £2,500.