WELFORD bowlers Barry Tyrell and Fred Coleman have reached the quarter-final stage of the National Pairs competition.

Tyrell and Coleman overcame Solihull opponents 22-15 to reach the last eight.

There was also success in the Over-50s Triples competition when Peter Day, Ken Chedgzoy and Trevor Francis overcame their Avon Valley opponents 19-18 on the last end.

On the debit side, there was a double dose of disappointment in the Denny Plate and Denny Cup.

Thirteen shots was the difference between the sides when Barking visited Wel-ford but, alas, the two visiting teams lost by a larger margin on their travels.

Rink scores: Ron Ryman, Ian Smith, Dave Bennett, T Francis won 24-20. John Sheppard, Colin Cooper, Brian Young, Martin Timms won 21-12.

Lawson Park were the opposition in the Denny Cup and they proved too strong winning 85-60.

Christmas proved a miserable time for the Headland Road Club with a trio of defeats to local opposition.

There was just one winning rink in a 122-94 loss to Leominster, City of Birmingham triumphed 136-102, while Bromsgrove had ten shots to spare on an afternoon of a solitary Welford rink win.

Winning rinks (v Leominster): I Wilkins, C Wilkins, J Testar, T Simmons won. (v Bromsgrove): R Hemmings, J Hart, G Williams, R Walmsley.

The club's Xmas Charity Gala saw 48 members in action in three games over eight ends.

Martin Woodhall's team of Pam Clarke, George Rainer and Lyn Wilkins took the honours by 14 shots after winning 15 ends.

The rinks skipped by Phil Jones and comprising Marion Walder, Brenda Williams and David Shenton also won by 14 shots but won one end fewer to be pipped for top spot.

The quartet of Peter South, Joan Churchley, John Hollo-way and Bridget Jones were placed third on a day when the Stratford Shakespeare Hospice benefited to the tune of £103.