THE meeting was well attended, with local lad Graham Downie a popular speaker.

The year of the travelling fair starts on February 14 in Kings Lynn. This dates back to the 16th century when people could buy items not usually available at their weekly market, the choice of goods made more interesting by the importance of Kings Lynn as a sea port.

The next fair is the Lichfield Shrovetide Fair, which is moveable dependant on Easter.

At Bromsgrove two weeks before Easter, showmen build up and try out their machines prior to the real start of the season.

On Good Friday, the Conisborough Tittlecock Fair takes place with the village parading a wooden cross, followed by a church service.

The Daisy Milk Fair also takes place on this day in Lancashire and is the subject of several of JS Lowry's paintings.

The best Easter fair is held on Hampstead Heath, where three fairs join together.

In late April, the Tenbury Wells May Fair begins one of the busiest months in the showman's calendar. This is because May is quiet for farmers, prior to haymaking.

In June there is the Cambridge midsummer fair, granted in the 13th century.

At Newcastle, the Temperance Society hoped the fair would stop the menfolk going to the races at nearby Gosford Park but the men just drop their families at the fair before going on to the races. This is one of the biggest fairs in the country, extending over 40 acres and lasting a whole week.