THE teenage daughter of a Salford Priors man killed by a stolen car at Stratford sobbed in court as the youth responsible for her father's death was sent to detention for l0 months.

Earlier, she heard at Warwickshire Youth Court, Leamington Spa, how her father, Mr Thomas Nicol, aged 52, of Tott Hall Lane, died instantly and her mother Mrs Glynis Nichol was injured as the stolen Ford Probe crashed into their car on the A46 in November 2002.

The youth, aged l6, admitted driving a vehicle without due care and attention, receiving the Ford Probe knowing or believing it to have been stolen and using a vehicle while disqualified and having no insurance.

He was given a total of l0 months detention and training and disqualified from driving for a further 18 months.

The youth, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was said to have previous convictions for motoring offences and had been disqualified from driving for a previous offence.

Miss Sarah Pedley, prosecuting, said the Ford Probe had been bought for £1,425 at the Cannock Motor Auctions before being stolen and sold for £100.

The youth, who appeared in court with his mother, drove the Ford Probe to Stratford with four other youths knowing it had been stolen.

"As the Ford Probe approached a bend it went out of control and crashed into the car driven Mr Nichol," said Miss Pedley. "Mr Nichol died instantly and his wife had a dislocated right hand, facial cuts and an injury to her mouth which needed four stitches.

"She was in hospital for three days and is still having problems with her injured hand."

Miss Pedley said one of the youths had a fractured leg and needed his jaw rewired.

The youth's solicitor, Mr Charles Royle, said he was now full of remorse and realised he had ruined a family's life.

Mrs Nichol, who attended court with her right hand heavily bandaged, declined to comment.