A SCHOOL hit by callous thieves who stole hundreds of pounds it had collected for charity has bounced back by replacing the cash in less than two weeks.

Sladen Middle School in Kidderminster suffered a break-in just 10 days before the end of last term when a giant carboy containing about £1,000 for the new bells appeal at the town's St Mary's Church was smashed.

Head teacher Tom Revell estimated about £200 was taken - but pupils of the Hurcott Road school and their parents have since dug deep to bring the new total to about £1,250.

"We filled another carboy donated by a friend of the school," said Mr Revell. "Whatever we lost we have more than made up for."

In one case parents gave £40 donated at a wedding and in another cash being saved for a holiday was handed over.

Mr Revell added: "Sometimes you get a knock back and you wonder what society is coming to but this has restored my faith."

The school has been raising money for the £135,000 appeal since last summer.

The cash will be handed over later this month and the school is hoping its name will be engraved on one of the new bells.