RESIDENTS and traders of a Kidderminster street who have endured an "intolerable stench" following heavy rain can look forward to a fresher future, it has been claimed.

Worcestershire county councillor Stephen Clee had accused the county council and Severn Trent Water of dragging their feet over repairing Victorian sewers in Lower Mill Street.

The cause of the smell - which has prompted four complaints to Mr Clee - is the antiquated system which has a combined drain for storm water and sewage.

When it rains sewage can rise to the surface and several stoppers which prevent bad smells escaping are missing.

But now Mr Clee has claimed Wyre Forest Highways Partnership - a Wyre Forest District Council and county council joint body - has accepted responsibility for replacing the stoppers.

"I'm hopeful within the next couple of months repairs will be made to the stoppers which will alleviate the on-going problem for residents and traders."

Highways partnership manager Stuart Reynolds was not available for comment.

A spokeswoman for Severn Trent Water said it was not a public sewer and therefore not its responsibility.