RICHARD Chamings (You Say, Friday, January 3) destroys any pretensions to argue against the European Union by dredging up a set of discredited crackpot ideas and dressing them up as "facts", perpetuating the absurd propaganda icon of the far right that the EU is the new USSR.

In stating that the UK Independence Party "is drawing members from all three political parties", all he is confirming is that it is a ragbag of Little Englanders who know nothing about politics or economics and use the Union Jack as a fig leaf to hide their ignorance.

There is a debate about the EU on the Left of British politics, thankfully raised above the cant of the UKIP.

Those of us who support the EU do so because we want to unite socialists and social democrats in Europe in defending the European social model against the "reforms" sought by Tony Blair and his American friends.

The differences on the Left come down to whether our opposition to US capitalism, militarism and corporate-led globalisation can best succeed in a British or a European context.

I happen to support the European dimension, as do many others on the Left. For example, it will be the nations of the EU whose stand against Bush's war on Iraq will count if it is to be avoided, not the illusion of Blair's "special relationship" with Bush.

The House of Commons will not have the final say on British participation. Bush will.

No doubt the UKIP draws support from defenders and opponents of Bush's war. Does it have a policy? We should be told.

