JOYOUS scenes may not be repeated if new volunteers do not come forward at a meeting tonight to save Pershore Carnival.

The warning comes from town councillor and carnival organiser David Shaw, who has arranged a meeting at St Agatha's Hall today, where volunteers must come forward to help organise this year's event, which has been scheduled for Monday, May 26.

Despite last year's event being a great success, several officers decided to resign, blaming increasing red tape and a lack of willing volunteers, which has led Mr Shaw to warn that new recruits must come forward tonight.

"We need to fill four key roles - treasurer, secretary, procession manager and a site manager to negotiate with traders and charities in Abbey Park," he said.

"We've had quite a few years of continuity and we even made £345 on last year's event, which means we've enough money to finance it this year.

"But we're already two months behind schedule. We normally start organising these things in October and if we can't get the volunteers this year then we may lose the momentum," he said.

"It is not always appreciated that the carnival brings a considerable financial boost to our traders, pubs and cafs, as well as allowing other charities to fund-raise on their own behalf," he said.

"However, the message for 2003 is stark. Carnival will simply not be staged if tonight's meeting is not attended by new volunteers who are keen and committed to replace the various officers who resigned after last year's event."

If you would like to help, contact David Shaw on 01386 553605.