THREE unwanted horsechestnut trees have been saved by planners.

The semi-mature trees, protected by a preservation order, are at the back of a house in Habberley Coppice, Bewdley.

Wyre Forest District Council planning (development control) committee refused an application to remove the trees despite residents' claims the shade they will create when mature will be "detrimental to the enjoyment of the garden".

It was decided this did not justify felling, but subject to the preservation order, the trees could be pruned to maintain their current size.

Meanwhile, a mature lime tree, which dominates a front garden in Heightington Place, Stourport, will be reduced by 40 per cent.

The planners' decision followed a plea by the owners who said they were losing sleep worrying about the tree's height and span.

Planning officer Sally Withers, who recommended refusal, said: "The lime tree is a significant part of the street scene. Reducing the height by 40 per cent may have a detrimental impact on the tree's health."

However, the committee sympathised with residents and Franche councillor Howard Martin said: "People have a right to enjoy their property."