BRECHT and Weill's satirical masterpiece The Threepenny Opera is set to be staged at Midlands Arts Centre next month.

The fast-moving National Theatre mobile ensemble production re-explores Bertolt Brecht's vibrant text and Kurt Weill's songs in a way that reveals their power and intensity and asks crucial questions about our society today.

After the infamous gangster Macheath steals the beggar-master Peachum's daughter, Peachum embarks on a course of revenge which reveals their whole society to be corrupted by greed and self-interest.

When Macheath finally stands at the gallows and pleads for his life, the audience is forced to question its own position as idle spectators.

The Threepenny Opera runs from January 7-11.

Tickets cost £12, £8 (concessions) or £7 for school groups on 0121 440 3838.