RIK Mayall is to appear at Malvern Theatres with a 'gloriously witty' portrayal of the life that whirled around Noel Coward in his heyday.

Theatre Royal Bath Productions presents Coward's Present Laughter from Monday, January 27 to Saturday, February 1.

Set in the glamorous world of the theatre during the Jazz Age, Present Laughter was written by Coward as a vehicle for his own talent, with a lead role that was 'dangerously close to being autobiographical.'

Rik Mayall stars as charismatic charmer Garry Essendine, who is flamboyantly vain and devastatingly handsome.

Essendine is about to set off on an extended tour of Africa when he is visited by practically everyone he knows, including his ex-wife and manager, lawyer, secretary, butler, business partners, an admiring young playwright and a recent one-night stand - and the stage is set for a battle of glittering egos.

The production runs at Festival Theatre and performances are at 8pm with Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm.

Tickets cost £12-£20 plus concessions from the box office on 01684 892277.

Meanwhile, Tony Britton stars in winter drama The Holly and the Ivy at Malvern Theatres next week.

Wynyard Browne's period classic is set on Christmas Eve 1947 in a Norfolk vicarage, where the vicar's family gathers for the festive celebrations.

Performances are at 8pm with Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm.

Tickets cost £10-£18 plus concessions and discounts from the box office on 01684 892277.