A VALE couple had an extra reason to celebrate last month when they welcomed a fifth generation to their family.

Cyril and Mabel Alderton, who live in Evesham Road, Norton, are now great-great-grandparents to baby Alexander Griffiths who was born at the County Hospital, Hereford, on December 5.

Married in 1940 the couple, who are both in their 80s, have five children, 23 grandchildren and 49 great-grandchildren, some living as far away as Australia.

But the family line nearly did not make it through the second world war. From the day he joined up Cyril wrote to his wife every day, so when the letters stopped she began to worry and wrote to the commanding officer.

He called Cyril into his office and made him write a letter which he promised to post to make sure it got to Mabel.

Meanwhile a bomb was dropped on the rest of Cyril's section of the Royal Norfolk Regiment injuring or killing most of them. Thanks to Mabel's concern Cyril went on to survive the first wave of landings at Normandy on D-day and the family went from strength to strength.

On the new generation she said: "It's absolutely marvellous and exciting. What more could you say?"