PARENTS who hurl four-letter abuse at officials in football matches their children are playing in should be banned according to coaches of Vale clubs.

Secretaries of clubs in the Mercian Elgar Junior Football League - which includes several Vale teams with players ranging from under nine years of age up to under-15 - have all received letters from the league's chairman highlighting the problem.

George Silverman said it was "great fun" watching boys' football, adding: "There is a lot of honest commitment and enthusiasm from the players and most of the spectators.

"Unfortunately, some club officials and parents are getting carried away and spoiling some of the enjoyment of others."

He explained he was getting letters and telephone calls about "petty incidents".

He went on: "Clubs are making accusations and sarcastic suggestions about each other, including allegations about parents swearing and encouraging physical involvement that is against the spirit of the game.

"If a team loses, some are looking for excuses, including blaming young referees who, I would suggest, are getting a lot more right than those on the touchline realise."

He added: "I honestly feel it is now time some club officials, parents and spectators also need to grow up and let everyone enjoy this game of ours."

Simon Parry, who chairs Evesham United's junior teams' section, said: "I think the problem is that we need almost to have a purge of this sort of thing to stop it.

"You've got parents or even club officials or managers who are reliving their football careers through their children."

He added: "The key thing for the parents and spectators is encouragement for the kids. I've got no problem with them making a lot of noise and cheering the kids on."

Dave Hyde, who coaches Littleton Juniors' side, said: "I think, overall, we have to make a stand and get rid of the people perpetrating it. I know George very well. I can understand his frustration. My own view is kick them out and have done with it."

Rob Knight, who coaches Norton Rangers' youngsters, said: "I've not come across any major problems in the five or six years I've been doing it.

"The reason I do it is to give the kids something to do at the weekend and give them enjoyment and that's certainly the way our teams play - in the right spirit."