HAVING lived in Kidderminster all my life, there is no doubt I am somewhat biased in stating it is a good place to live, with its surrounding countryside and nearby towns of Stourport and Bewdley.

Add to this West Midland Safari Park, Severn Valley Railway and Kidderminster Harriers, and it is no wonder people travel from far and wide to visit.

I am sure the number of visitors will increase once the town centre redevelopment is complete, hopefully with the long-overdue cinema.

Unfortunately, some of the present town centre facilities fall short of the mark.

On December 21 I visited the library to use one of the computers in the Learn Direct section, on the first floor.

I went up to the second floor, hoping to go to the toilet but, surprisingly, they were locked.

I was told that they only open one day in the week, if there is a piano recital.

On the ground floor, there was a sign on the door of the disabled persons' toilet, with directions to the nearest public conveniences.

I proceeded to the ones in Rowland Hill Centre, but had a shock when I entered. There was water all over the floor, the single toilet cubicle's bowl was full to overflowing, and causing an awful smell.

Not knowing where I could report this, I returned to the library.

After walking through the litter outside the toilets, I crossed the road by the Corn Exchange, when I saw three shopping trolleys in the River Stour.

What impression of Kidderminster did the thousands of Christmas shoppers, and visitors to the library, go away with that day?

On December 27, all the litter bins in town were full and overflowing. What a disgrace, when the streets were so busy with people visiting the sales.

I hope the powers that be are flushed when they read this and, perhaps, will clean up their act for the sake of our town's healthy reputation.


Hurcott Road, Kidderminster