BEFORE Christmas, I visited the Alexandra Hospital to see for myself new bedside internet, television and telephone equipment.

The whole hospital looked busy and no wonder.

The NHS is treating more patients than ever before.

There are more nurses and more doctors and funding for the NHS will be double the 1997 level by 2008.

Over Christmas, there were new announcements on funding that might start alarm bells ringing with staff and patients alike.

The Conservatives, including their leader, announced they are looking at cuts in Government spending of up to 20 per cent if they came to power again.

However, they are being consistent because they voted against the extra money being spent by the Government in all the recent budgets.

After the years of economic failure under the Tories, the running down of public services and their record of opposing Labour's investment, no one will believe them again when they say they care about schools, hospitals and the police.

All these services need support and they can't run without the funds they need.

Next week, I will be visiting Hanover Court to see new bathrooms installed for residents by the housing association that runs the complex.

Hanover Court provides sheltered housing for older people and such homes form a vital part of the spectrum of choice that should be available to people in later life.

The Government is very keen to support people who wish to remain as independent as possible, whether that is in their own home, in sheltered accommodation, residential or nursing homes.

It is good to see that investment in homes like Hanover Court is still a priority.