After the recent floods, the club waters at Great Alne were just about fishable for the first Needles Winter league Match, but after the weather turned bitterly cold 15 intrepid anglers struggled to find fish.

Last year's Winter League Winner Gerry Jones was top man on the day with a weight of 2lbs 2ozs of roach taken from peg 5 using pole fished maggot. In second place was local tackle dealer Stan Woods with a bag of chub weighing 1lbs 14ozs from peg 22 taken on feeder fished maggot.

In third place was Phil Sutor with 1lb 9ozs, a mixed bag of fish taken from peg 28 again using feeder fished maggot. Finally in fourth place was Richard Matthews with chub for 1lb 1oz feeder fishing on peg 25.

Needles members are reminded that the Annual AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th January 2003 at The Mother Huffcap, Great Alne commencing at 8.00pm.

With the weather conditions far from ideal, the latest Needles Open match fished by twenty seven intrepid anglers on the club waters at Great Alne saw better than expected weights for those fortunate enough to find fish.

Bob Allen ran out winner on the day with a good weight of 18lbs 8ozs comprising six barbel taken from peg 16 using maggot and stick float tactics. In second place was Adrian Lidgbird with a mixed bag of 8lbs 12ozs, including a 5lb pike, taken from peg 5 fishing with maggot on the pole.

In third place was Steve Berry with 6lbs 12ozs of chub from peg 24 again using pole fished maggot. Finally in fourth place was Richard Matthews with chub for 4lbs 6ozs, float fishing on peg 22.

Section winners on the day were Stan Woods with 2lbs 3ozs, Dave Lewis with 4lbs 2ozs, Mick Skinner with 1lb 9ozs and Shaun Sawyer with 2lbs 1oz.

Needles members are reminded that the Annual AGM will be held on Wednesday 15th January 2003 at The Mother Huffcap, Great Alne commencing at 8.00pm.

Broadacres Match Group have an evening with Des Taylor at the Centrepoint Club, Ipsley Street, Redditch, on Friday, January 17.

Tickets, costing £3 are avilable by ringing Arthur Field on 01386 761875 or Andy Checketts on 07974 044781.