I AND many others have bombarded the Letters Page over recent weeks with our views on religion and how best to guide our children to a future that will see them cohabit in a socially acceptable manner with each other throughout their lives.

Many of us are bored to death with religious zealots dictating out-of-date doctrines to us and demanding we return to the times when such doctrines were imposed upon society in harsh, tyrannical ways that were both cruel and unbending.

Two who advocate such a path, councillors Tom Wareing and Mohammed Nasir, were elected democratically by a society that is free to indulge in such a practice.

Would they then not agree a true democratic way to deal with religious education would be to teach it all, and to teach it coldly, much in the same way as we teach history or Greek mythology.

If the child then chose to be indoctrinated into a particular religion, this would be done outside school, privately.

It is also true that, in a multi-cultural society, the taxpayer should no longer be forced to fund any religious organisation.

Funding for any religion should now be done entirely by private means and not via the taxpayer.

Robin King

Huband Close
