IN recent correspondence on religion and morals, writers have displayed the rudeness and intolerance they condemn in others.

Some people live a life based on love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as a result of a life-changing experience described by Jesus Christ as being "born again".

They are people who have provided food, medicine, clinics, hospitals and schools to other people in dire need throughout the world.

Sadly, there are other people who, in the name of their religion, bomb schools, churches,and hospitals, shoot, rape and mutilate women, imprison and torture people of other faiths from Africa to China.

Another group includes those described by Barry Heaven (Letters, December 18) who have - progressed morally and spiritually - to achieve the level of pornography, adultery, alcohol abuse etc described by Councillor Mohammed Nasir (Letters, December 11).

It has been clearly shown in recent months such living can lead to child abuse, domestic violence and murder.

As Jesus Christ (God incarnate) said, as recorded in the inerrant Holy Bible, 'You will recognise them by their fruit.'

To quote Barry Heaven again, 'in a free society we should be free to tread our own paths', so I would suggest the path recommended by Councillor Tom Wareing is the one least likely to lead to John Aulton's "Hell on Earth" (Letters, December 18)


Kimberley Close

Church Hill North