I AM disgusted that a report on the number of spectators who turned out to watch The North Cotswold Hunt was included in the January 2 issue of the Journal.

You made it sound as though the number of people ('more than 1000') who gathered to watch these riders and "well known jockeys" was something for the Vale to be proud of. Had it been a gathering of fundraisers for a worthy charity then yes, it would have been. This however was not about raising money for charity or supporting Vale people in other respectable endeavours but about an archaic 'sport', the aim of which is to track down an animal and allow dogs to rip it apart. I am angry that you found it newsworthy to print anything pertaining to this event, including quotes such as "It was a lovely day." Perhaps it was the lure of a free mince pie and a 'tot' of port which drew the crowds?

I am not proud to be part of a community which takes part in and supports this ancient and pointless exercise.

MISS ZOE WHITE, Church Lane, Pinvin.