JOHN Barton, of Broadway Ferret Rescue, has been elected chairman of the National Ferret Welfare Society.

The appointment came at the end of a very busy year for Mr Barton who has been committed to ferret welfare for several years. His rescue has taken in around 230 ferrets, many of which have been found new homes.

"I am honoured to be elected as national chairman and I hope that I can help the society further the welfare of ferrets," he said.

Mr Barton explained: "Many people have the complete wrong idea about these animals which can make the best pets in the world. Like all animals, though, they need time and people who really want to look after them.

"It's great to see children playing with them knowing they are safe. Ferrets enjoy human company and will give as good as they receive when it comes to affection."

Mr Barton has also been awarded the Dick Nutt Memorial Trophy in recognition of his work in ferret welfare.

Looking ahead, Mr Barton said: "We want all ferret owners to have a responsibility to their animals and take great care in making sure that all their welfare needs are being met. I want to see us build up a working relationship with the RSPCA throughout the country."

Mr Barton can be contacted regarding ferrets of the National Ferret Welfare Society on 07769 720973 or e-mail