INTEREST AND LEISURE CLUB: Members of the club were invited to the carol concert at the Fire College, Moreton. They enjoyed a very good evening. As well as singing carols they were entertained by the pupils of St David's School, Moreton, The Shipston Band and the Blockley Ladies Choir, all on great form and voice. Mulled wine and mince pies were served to everyone. Afterwards members were taken home by coach.

The following day a Christmas party took place at the Royal British Legion, Moreton. The excellent singing duo The Midas Touch entertained members and also played music enabling members to have a dancing session.

Chairman Ben Jeffrey donated bottles of wine to be raffled and a member gave some chocolates as a prize.

Mrs Johnson was presented with a bouquet for her 99th birthday and the retiring secretary Mrs Mavis McLoughlin received a gift in appreciation of her unstinting work on the committee.

A vote of thanks went to all committee members especially Mrs Jean Baldwyn and Mrs Mary Graham, Mrs Marie Viard who did the catering and others who helped as well.

After many good wishes were exchanged between members the meeting came to a close.