ART CLUB: At the festive get-together which followed the December meeting, it was confirmed that finances now permit a fortnightly meeting instead of the monthly arrangement made last year because of depleted funds. It is now the intention to meet on alternate Fridays, the meetings also alternating between afternoons and evenings. Afternoon sessions will take place between 2pm and 4pm, evenings between 8pm and 10pm. Members are asked to note that the annual subscription is being held at its present figure of £12 per head. During discussion, members expressed a wish to have at least one day out during the year and the possibility of another hands-on exhibition was looked at with enthusiasm.

It is understood that the parish council has had information from the Countryside Agency regarding grants which may be available to societies which are deemed to be of benefit to their communities and the possibilities of this are to be investigated.

The meeting ended on a note of enthusiastic anticipation which boded well for the future of the group.

ST JAMES' CHURCH: When there are five Sundays in a month, it has become the custom to celebrate the Eucharist at each of the four ARCH Benefice churches in turn. The service held at Rous Lench was marked as a special occasion by the Rector, the Rev Richard Thorniley, and his wife, Gill, who after the service hosted an informal party for all present in order to say a very warm thank you to all the people throughout the benefice who had supported and helped them during the trying time of the rector's illness last year. The invitation, and the appreciative remarks, have been repeated in all the churches over the past few weeks and it is clear that the Thorniley family have been deeply touched by the degree of concern and affection shown to them when they were still unknown in the area and before they had had an opportunity to make friends. Their kind gesture of thanks was greatly appreciated and good wishes for continued good health and happiness were sincerely expressed.

a 3-4 mile walk.