DOG lovers are being asked to find a space in their hearts and homes to take on abandoned animals.

Birch Hill Kennels is appealing to those who can help re-home the growing number of Wyre Forest dogs which have become victims of Christmas puppy syndrome.

Manager Jutta Patterson said: "The worst of it was actually just before Christmas. Jutta Patterson with 10-month-old lurcher Jake.

"We only managed to re-home five dogs during December, but we still have 20 here, and there are 17 more to come in - all of which are on the kennels' expanding waiting list."

Volunteers are temporarily looking after dogs that cannot be taken in at the kennels until space is available.

She added: "Those dogs we think are being mistreated are pushed to top of the list, but because we can only accommodate a limited number we desperately need to find new homes before we can take in more."

Mrs Patterson said the Cleobury Mortimer animal shelter is struggling to re-home the dogs.

She said: "It is not part of our policy to put the dogs down if they do not get re-homed, which is why it is essential we find them new homes so we can accommodate more."

She added: "I think it's disgusting people disowned their old dogs just because they had a new puppy this Christmas.

"It's disgusting they have taken on these dogs and discarded them as if they're rubbish - there was absolutely no feeling or compassion there."

The canine shelter works with small, independent, animal welfare charities across the district and surrounding areas, including Forest Dog Rescue.

Mrs Patterson said the kennels is always looking for spare blankets, dog food and treats, as well as potential pet owners. eight-year-old Jack, a spaniel collie cross, is the oldest dog in the kennels.

She said: "Dogs are not toys which can just be thrown out. They are fantastic companions."

Anyone who would like more information about providing a home for a dog should call Mrs Patterson on 01299 270406.