THE date for Worcester City Football Club's place in the local plan to be debated has been put back to give objectors more time to submit their arguments.

Objections to the proposed new stadium and enabling development in Nunnery Way, finally included in the local plan in December after 10 years of campaigning, were due to be heard by Worcester City Council on Wednesday, March 19 as part of a general two-month review of the city's blueprint.

But due to the sheer scale of the controversial plan, the hearing has been postponed until May or June.

Senior planning officer at the city council, David Hobbs, who anticipated a week-long hearing, said it gave objectors more time to get their arguments in.

The original deadline was Friday, January 31.

"The objections have to be in seven weeks before the hearing and the inspector thought it would be better to postpone it for both his and the objectors' benefit," he said.