A MYSTERIOUS banging coming from the direction of the M5 is bothering residents in Warndon Villages.

At this week's parish council meeting, parish member Yvonne Griffiths said she and a number of other residents had heard the banging, which seemed to be coming from the M5 near Warndon Wood.

"It's 24 hours a day, but it is more frequent in the morning," said Mrs Griffiths.

"I heard it, but I just put it down to bird scarers," said parish council member Kathryn Elrick Smith at Monday night's meeting.

"It was too irregular to be bird scarers," said Mrs Griffiths, and other parish council members added it was the wrong time of year.

"It sounds like empty lorries are hitting something," Mrs Griffiths said.

Motorway police said it had no reports of anything on the motorway, or receiving any reports of banging.