A SNAKE found freezing outside a Worcester nightclub has made a good recovery and may soon be reunited with its owner.

The 12-inch American cornsnake was discovered abandoned on the pavement outside Tramps club, Angel Place, Worcester, just before Christmas.

Shocked passers-by called police, who took the wriggling yellow and red snake into custody and back to the Castle Street police station.

The snake was thin and cold when it was then taken to Vale Wildlife Rescue Centre, near Evesham, by an RSPCA officer.

Since being taken in by the centre, it has since put on weight.

Cornsnakes are non-venomous, but use constriction to kill their prey.

There are more than 100 varieties and they are usually found in the south-east United States.

A man recently rang the centre to say he lost a snake a few months ago, and said he believed the reptile could be his.

"We had a phone call recently from a gentleman in Worcester who said he lost a snake four months ago," said Martin Brookes, assistant manager at the centre.

"He probably wasn't expecting to see it again. He made contact with us when he heard the snake was found.

"He was going to come over the other night, but hasn't got a car, and wasn't able to get a lift."

Last month, the Evening News reported how the snake, which is about the same diameter as a 10 pence piece, was transported in a plastic bag when police officers picked it up on Sunday, December 22, shortly after it was discovered at 6.30am.

Local snake owners were contacted, but could not help with the source of the reptile.

Gwyneth David, the RSPCA animal collection officer for Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, said the snake could not have survived for much longer.

She said it could have escaped from its owner, or someone could have let it go.

"The snake is half grown, and feeding quite well now," added Mr Brookes.