A WORCESTER man who uses taxis "all over the world" has hit out at Faithful City cabs, saying their charges are over the top.

Martin Rowley, a professional golf caddy, says he is forced to use taxis from Droitwich to get him to Birmingham airport, because Worcester firms charge too much.

Mr Rowley, from Loves Grove, hit out at Sunday surcharges, and accused Worcester's taxi drivers of "wanting the best of both worlds".

"I fly an awful lot but I find it cheaper for a Droitwich firm to take me to the airport," said Mr Rowley, who is chairman of the European Tour Caddies Association.

"I was in Swindon the other day, and I rang a Worcester firm. They quoted me double the amount a Swindon firm quoted.

"I was very concerned. I would like to spend the money in my own city."

He said when he rang Worcester City Council's transport department they "really couldn't give a monkey's".

"I went to Ombersley for a Sunday lunch and it cost me £12 one-way," he continued.

"That's absolutely ridiculous. The taxi drivers want everything. They want 50 per cent more on Sundays, but petrol's the same price then as other days."

Ziafat Hussain, chairman of the Worcester Taxi Drivers' Association, said it was "quite possible" Mr Rowley had paid less for a taxi from Droitwich.

But he defended Worcester's charges, saying they were less than some other towns and the cars were of a very good standard.

"Every area differs. Worcester would be dearer than some places but cheaper than others - a lot of them, in fact.

"In Worcester, we've got a very good standard of cars. Saloon cars cannot be any more than eight years-old and black cabs no more than 12 years-old.

"But in Malvern and Droitwich there is no age limit."

He also defended Sunday loadings, saying all industries paid workers more on Sundays.

Brian Kent, licensing officer at Worcester City Council, said journeys outside the city boundary were discretionary, and drivers could charge whatever they liked.

"Private hire cars, booked over the phone, can charge what they want. Market forces apply. I know of several Worcester firms that have very competitive rates."

He said he was "astounded" to hear the criticism of his department.

"I don't think anybody in this office would act in that way," he said.