ALCOHOL-related road accidents across the West Mercia region increased over the holiday period compared to the previous Christmas, despite a powerful national anti-drink-drive campaign.

One in four drivers involved in a collision tested positive for alcohol by West Mercia police.

The figure rose from 7.9 per cent, to 25 per cent, for the period of December 2001 to January 2002.

Police say these figures show drivers run a greater risk of being involved in a collision if they have been drinking.

More than five people were arrested for drink-driving every day during the high-profile campaign.

However, police say they are slightly encouraged as it is a drop from the year before when an average of six people were arrested each day during the same period.

A total of 136 motorists were arrested for drink-driving across the West Mercia area between Wednesday, December 18 and Thursday, January 2.


Nearly 900 motorists were breathalysed for alcohol and five were arrested for driving under the influence of drugs.

Police have pledged to continue its hard-hitting offensive against drink-drivers throughout the year.

"These figures are disappointing," said Sgt John Roberts, of the traffic and operations department.

"They show that too many people are still prepared to put other people's lives, as well as their own, at risk by drinking and driving.

"Even on Christmas Day seven people were arrested for drinking and driving.

"All those who have been charged can expect to lose their licence and possibly their job and their way of life - all as a result of reckless and irresponsible behaviour.

"It will not be tolerated. Our high-profile education campaign will continue throughout the year."

This year's campaign featured Ed Walsh, who was badly injured by a drink-driver 16 years ago and is now in a wheelchair.

"While I'm disappointed that there has been an increase in the number of people caught drink-driving, I hope the educational campaign will have made at least one person think twice before getting behind the wheel after a drink," said Mr Walsh.