A WORCESTER man launched a tirade of racial abuse at his neighbour after a storm damaged fences that separated their gardens.

John Roberts threatened Waheed Rafiq with a spade as he tore down the damaged fence panels.

Worcester magistrates heard the two families had lived in harmony for two years before the incident on Tuesday, October 29, last year.

"There had been a period of bad weather," said Neil Coulson, prosecuting.

"At 10.45am the defendant was seen in the garden removing panels and throwing them into the Rafiqs' garden.

"Mr Rafiq was in a bedroom and while looking out Roberts started to knock other panels down. Mr Rafiq has CCTV cameras on which he pressed the "record" button.

"The defendant was using a spade to dismantle the fences. Mr Rafiq opened the window and asked him not to do that and to avoid the flower garden."

The court heard that Roberts shouted at his neighbour, using racial abuse and said he would "bury" him among the flowers.

The incident came to an end when the spade was thrown at a window. Police were called to the Guildford Close address and arrested Roberts.

The 51-year-old admitted a racially aggravated public order offence when he appeared before magistrates yesterday.

"Regrettably, this incident appears to have begun as a result of Mrs Roberts giving large cuddly toys to the Rafiqs' children," said Judith Kenney, defending.

"Evidently the children, after a while, didn't want them, and rather than give them back, they were put on a bonfire and burned.

"Mrs Roberts became quite upset. In the scheme of things it's minor but she can pitch the relationship deteriorating at that time.

"My client has quite severe heart problems and this has resulted on the family closing down in order to stay out of trouble.

"Both of the families have had considerable upset because of this."

Magistrates imposed a six-month community rehabilitation order and ordered that Roberts pay £69 costs.