WORCESTERSHIRE County Council is to appeal to the Government for more funding to avoid a swingeing council tax rise of over 15 per cent.

The council's director of financial services, Mike Weaver, told the Cabinet yesterday that it would be asking for an Area Cost Adjustment (ACA) grant to increase its funding.

He said Worcestershire was surrounded by areas that received an ACA - extra funding for areas where it is expensive to provide services - including the West Midlands, Warwickshire and Gloucestershire.


Mr Weaver said the county could argue that it was equally deserving of the extra funding.

"We are having to compete in the same labour market as Dudley, Solihull and Coventry," he said.

If no more Government funding is forthcoming, the council will have to choose between making budget cuts and raising council tax by 14.8 per cent or more.

This would mean Band D property owners paying £835 next financial year, compared to £728 this year.

Cabinet member Coun Tom Wells said he was "outraged" by the level of Government funding the council was set to receive.

"Many households will find it very difficult to pay another huge increase in council tax," he said.

Coun Wells said the council should offer a range of costed options to the public, showing them what services could be afforded with different levels of tax.

But Coun Colin Beardwood said the council had to show leadership.

"Worcestershire people haven't been paying their share," he said. "If you want the level of services that some places have, you can't revel in the fact that you are paying nothing in council tax."

Cabinet chairman Coun George Lord said it was not just Worcestershire that was being hit by large tax increases and said he hoped it would be a one-off.

"It's crucifying us this time, but if we meet the demand we should be able to get back to normal in the future," he said.

The rise in tax could be even higher depending on the pay rise granted to firefighters.

The proposal to increase council tax by 14.8 per cent and make no budget cuts will be put to the full council next month.