THE opening carols sung by Kidderminster Male Choir were somewhat marred by the sound of money chinking and the tearing of raffle tickets at the back of the hall.

I was a little disappointed with the choir in those opening items, especially a medley of carols which fell short of their usual polish.

However, by the second half they were back to the choir we know and love, with excellent renditions of Christ-Child in an Manger, Come Rock the Cradle, and a medley including a glorious Joy To The World.

Quattro Gento, four members of the choir who sing "barber-shop" style, were on form. An unusual version of Jingle Bell Rock got people's feet tapping, and their version of The Christmas Song was lovely.

The children from Burlish Middle School were great. It is always heart-warming to hear children singing, but Christmas makes it extra special.

I was very impressed by their Sleigh Ride. This is very fast but I could hear every word.

Also Rise-Up Shepherds had some awkward tempos but they coped brilliantly. This was a good start to Christmas. VJS.