THE Nonentities have again triumphed, as this story of Henry VIII's fifth queen kept the audience riveted throughout and provided a most enjoyable theatrical evening.

Colin Young gives a "majestic" performance as Henry, capturing the moods of the king to perfection, from the bombastic to the tender, and the final scene when the sad king held the audience rapt in silence.

Another outstanding performance came from Julie Innes, as Katherine, the scene where she pleads with Henry to believe her faithfulness being exceptional and there were good performances by Athol M'Donald as the evil Cranmer and Sandy Tudor as his unwilling collaborator.

A cameo by Nicola Stickland of the Nonnies' version of "that scene" in When Harry Met Sally, provoked laughter and spontaneous applause.

The cast and music were well chosen and the costumes superb.

If the story is true, it is easy to see where Shakespeare got the inspiration for Othello, as this is also a story of intrigue by a trusted aide, "proving" totally unfounded guilt.

Funny at times, sad at times, this play is for adults only.