RESIDENTS should be kept in the picture about the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust's current financial problems, Wychavon District Council has said.

The PCT's board has no democratic accountability, but Wychavon bosses believe the public should be given the chance to come up with ideas to help sort out the cash crisis.

"The rumours are already rife about hospital closures and site disposals," said Wychavon's managing director Sid Pritchard.


"Wychavon would welcome an opportunity to work with the PCT to try to ensure continuation of a full range of services across the district."

Council leader Coun Malcolm Meikle said the council had made it clear to PCT chairman Coun David Barlow that it wanted open public consultation on the issues and suggested solutions.

"Health services are of vital importance to us all and adequate time must be allowed for public involvement before irreversible decisions are taken."