A FALKLANDS veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder is aiming to set up a support group for men in Worcestershire.

Because of what he sees as the success of the "glut" of similar organisations for women, Doug Padgett, who served for 12 years in the Royal Army Medical Corps, is determined to set up a stress and anger management group in the area.

However, having set up a similar society when he lived in Bradford, he is more than aware of the difficulty of persuading men to admit to their problems.

"Half the battle is getting them to turn up," said the separated father-of-one.

"Such groups can be crucial, especially for separated men with children. They can make a big difference not just to their lives but those around them.

"It is not just a case of counselling. This is available. But there is very little for men in the way of anger management."

Mr Padgett's previous support group, which met once a week, arranged visits from trained professionals, including probation officers and the police, to openly discuss potential legal issues or court appearances and provide advice.

Mr Padgett, who now lives in London Road, was surprised there was very little available when he moved to Worcester three months ago.

"Support groups that reduce frustrations can provide an excellent preventative measure," he said.

"If men can admit their stress and anger problems and talk to the police or legal experts freely, it would no doubt reduce strain on the courts."