WARNDON Villages Football Club urgently needs new coaches to train five new teams looking for league action next season.

The football club, set up to give children in Warndon Villages a sporting extra interest, currently has more than 100 youngsters on its books.

As well as the four teams for children between the ages of 5 and 10, the club has a number of children who are currently being trained and want to start playing friendly matches. The club has been awarded the FA charter standard. In order to stay within the guidelines, it has to have one coach to every eight players under eight, and one coach to every 16 older players.

"We want to be able to organise more teams to go into the league next season," said Lynn Gardener who set up the club in October 2001.

"To enable this, and to cover the recruitment of more children back at the training centre, we need 10 more coaches.

"We expect all coaches to attend relevant training courses to enable them to train children, which will be financed by the club."

At the moment, all 12 of the club's coaches are trained to the basic JTM level and two are qualified to the FA's coaching certificate level 2.

"We are looking for coaches, preferably people with some sort of football experience, and with the greatest respect not just a parent," said director of football Geoff Stanley.


"Most of the clubs in and around Worcestershire cater just for teams.

"But we wanted to open the club to children of various abilities and give them an opportunity to enjoy Saturday mornings."

Anyone interested in becoming a coach can contact Ms Gardener on 01905 21296, or Mr Stanley on 01905 754884.

Alternatively, prospective coaches can visit the team at its training ground at Lyppard Grange Primary School between 10am and 12.30pm.