VILLAGERS have raised a pint in protest against plans to turn their pub into homes.

The Crown Inn in Cradley, near Malvern, has been closed to the public for 15 years and local residents demonstrated their support at the weekend by giving away beer on the road outside.

Now planners have received a planning application to turn the Elizabethan Grade II listed building into three private homes.

But after receiving backing from the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) villagers toasted a possible revival of their pub.

"The man who now owns it bought it when the old owner died," said campaigner Rosie Berry, who lives in Cradley.

"We're always being told it's going to be a pub and restaurant, so to get this planning application was a hell of a shock.

"It's annoying not to have a pub in the village. Once you've lost a facility it's gone for good.

"We've organised petitions and meetings. It's really good to get so many people turning out. It's one of those things you've got to fight for.

"The villagers have got to be prepared to get their village pub back."

The protesters are hoping to use HRH Prince Charles's 'Pub is the Hub' campaign to back their cause before a planning decision is made next month.

And rock-legends Black Sabbath could also be called upon to champion the campaign.

"A lot of people remember being in the pub when Black Sabbath used to play there," said Mrs Berry.

"Ozzy Osbourne used to go in there a lot and other groups came down from Birmingham to play there.

"We haven't approached them yet but we'll see how the campaign goes."

She said the skittle alley in the pub is also another reason why it should not be bulldozed to make way for houses.

The planning meeting has been earmarked for Thursday, January 16.