MAY I take this opportunity to express both surprise and appreciation of the privilege bestowed upon me by the photographer and editorial staff of the Evesham Journal whereby I appear to represent all those who attended the War Memorial service, Sunday, November 10. For all those who fought and/or died that I might stand there may I now offer my thanks with this poem which I wrote in 1997 for a Service of Remembrance for the war dead in Waterside Cemetery.


I stand, we stand because of those who fell,

I and my children's children

Spared the bullet and the shell

By those who sacrificed their all to block the gates of Hell.

Let us remember still.

I speak, we speak because they silent lie

I and my children's children

May raise voices now on high

And lift, in gratitude, our eyes toward an English sky.

Let us remember still.

I live, we live because of those who died,

I and my children's children

Who were never since denied

The rewards of their sacrifice and all that that implied.

Let us remember still.

I hope, we hope because t'was hope they gave.

I and my children's children,

Free men and no man's slave.

Grant wisdom Lord to use the gifts bought for us by each grave

As we remember still.

MIKE EDWARDS, Camulus, Cherry Close, Evesham.