THE new president of one of Kidderminster's best known organisations, the Old Carolians, has pledged to try to get more women involved.

Peter Guy, who took over the reins from Tony Kidd, says he hopes to do his bit to persuade more women and young people to sign up.

"One of the things we want to see is more younger people becoming active members and to encourage women members to come along," said Mr Guy, 59, of Sandmartin Way, Kidderminster.

"We don't expect to attract that many school leavers - we find people generally only become interested in keeping in touch with old schoolfriends once they reach 35 or so!"

Last year membership rose 10 per cent to more than 500 and Mr Guy hopes to continue to increase interest.

The organisation hosts several social events throughout the year, publishes a yearly magazine and now has its own website to help former pupils of King Charles school stay in touch.

Mr Guy is a retired director and general manager of IMI Refiners in Walsall.

He is also a former vice-chairman and director of Kidderminster Harriers, and was a wicketkeeper-batsman for Stone Cricket Club.

He also part-owns a racehorse - the second time he has ventured into the horse-racing arena.

"My first horse was pretty successful but this horse - which I own a fifth of - is very young. She's not likely to rival the champion racehorse Rock of Gibraltar!"

The organisation held its annual dinner at the school earlier this month. It was attended by 100 former pupils and friends. The Old Carolians website is at www.oldcarolians.