A WOMAN who works among African wildlife is on a quest to the dark continent.

Ali Highton will walk in the steps of Masai warriors when she goes to Africa in aid of charity.

Miss Highton, of Stanklyn Lane, Kidderminster, will be joining a group of 80 trekkers in February when she takes part in a hike through the Great Rift Valley in Kenya to raise cash for mental health charity MIND.

The 38-year-old, who works at West Midland Safari Park, Bewdley, will be taking in some breathtaking scenery including dormant volcanoes, gorges, soda lakes and the Masai plains.

She is stepping up her walking to get fit for the challenge.

Miss Highton needs to raise £2,500 by next month and over the next few weeks will be touring Kidderminster and Stourport pubs to raise funds.

Those who give £5 have the chance to sign the walls of her artwork "Asylum", a white cloth with images and messages, which she will take to Africa with her.

Part of her trip is to raise awareness for neurological movement disorder dystonia, for which she is receiving treatment.

Those interested in sponsoring her should call 01299 826679 or 07742025160.