A DECISION to cut loss-making bus services across the county may hit youngsters travelling to and from school.

Now county council chiefs are hoping to hear from bus firms which may step into the breach.

Notices of de-registration, which act as a two month notice period, have been received by Worcestershire County Council from bus operator First.

The council believes the company's decision to discontinue a number of services may affect pupils at Stourport and Kidderminster schools who regularly use First buses.

County council assistant cabinet member for environment and sustainability John Smith said: "Our chief concern at this time is transport provision for schoolchildren. However, these are not dedicated school buses but are commercial services affected by commercial decisions."

He added: "Over the coming weeks we will speak to schools and take a good, hard look at how we intend to proceed.

"We are open to any initiatives from any bus operator which would enhance local transport services."

Mr Smith said county council officers are negotiating with First over the future of the services.

The issue will be discussed at the Cabinet meeting on Thursday, December 5 and a review of the county's bus services is already under way.