THE importance of promoting and marketing local food was stressed by Lord Apsley, vice-chairman of Gloucestershire NFU, at a reception at Agriculture House in Gloucester.

"We have got to try and put this forward as much as we can," he told civic heads and other visitors from the community at the annual event.

"We must try and get local food into schools and offices. It is opportunity to source from local farms."

Lord Apsley, who becomes county chairman later this month, said farmers' markets made products identifiable and consumers were beginning to identify with that.

He told guests: "If you can influence your organisations in any way, please encourage them to support local producers."

Gloucestershire MEP Neil Parish said there was a huge population to feed and he added: "Let us make sure they eat our home-produced food. Farmer's Markets do make people aware of what good food we have in this county and throughout the country."