IMPROVING Stourport pushed promotion-chasing Worcester Wanderers all the way in North Midlands One before losing 3-0 at home.

The town had the better of the first half with excellent forward play and strong tackling in a closely contested match.

But despite coming close to scoring on several occasions, they failed to breach the opposition's stout defence.

Worcester stepped up the pace in the second period and fine back-row play started to cause problems for Stourport.

But they responded with great attacks of their own as man-of-the-match Victor Little led the charge.

Worcester landed a cruel blow when their fly-half kicked a penalty with five minutes left and Stourport rallied without converting pressure into points.

Their next league game is a crucial visit to bottom-of-the-table Five Ways Old Edwardians.

Worcester 22 Stourport 2nds 8

The seconds were unable to secure a win against experienced rivals with injuries forcing numerous players out of position.

It allowed Worcester to run in three easy tries and a penalty in the first 20 minutes as they were only denied further points by the brilliant tackling of man-of-the-match James Ridgeway.

Stourport settled but were restricted to a Phil Randle drop goal to make the half-time score 22-3.

Centre Ed Osborne broke to finish off a good try for the only score in the second period.

Stourport bid to improve their league standing with Saturday's trip to Ledbury.