AN Evesham computer firm could be forced to relocate just three months after it opened.

The owner of Go Computing Services in Port Street, Evesham, which opened in September, has said he is disillusioned after the family-run business suffered two thefts in less than a month.

The latest incident, which happened at midnight last Thursday, saw intruders smash their way in through a window and steal a specialised computer case, part of which was later found abandoned.

Last month, shoplifters stole £350 worth of PlayStation games from the store. Two men were arrested in connection with the theft but later released due to lack of evidence.

A witness to last week's incident reported seeing two people wearing dark hooded tops running up Port Street. Police believe they may have escaped in a J registration car in Elm Road.

Megan Venn, who runs the business with her husband Gary, said: "Whoever did this has caused quite a lot of damage to monitors, keyboards and cases. Every single case we stock has been damaged. The glass travelled all the way from the front of the shop to the back, there are bits of glass everywhere in keyboards, monitors, everything. We've had to shut the shop for a day while we clean up.

"We try and bring some class to the area and this is how we get repaid. We're only a small company and can't survive with these incidents."

The cost of the smash-and-grab attack currently stands at nearly £1,000, even without the cost of replacing the window being taken into account.

Mr Gary Venn said the latest attack might force him to reconsider his security arrangements. "We are getting a quote to put shutters up on the inside of the window," he said.

PC Lynne Johnson said: "Officers were unable to view CCTV footage immediately as the tape continues recording for a number of hours and cannot be seized until after it has finished and removed from the council's system."