AN appeal for help to find a man who grabbed a 15-year-old girl and exposed himself in South Littleton on Tuesday has been made by police.

The incident happened between 8.45am and 9am in Long Hyde Road, where the girl from Pebworth had been dropped off by her stepfather to catch a school bus into Evesham.

Police spokesman Kim Stain said: "A vehicle described as a white Peugeot car pulled alongside her and the male driver leaned out of the window and pulled at her blazer. As she looked in the car, she saw that he was exposing himself.

"She was shocked and frightened but was able to walk away."

The man was said to be in his late 20s with close shaven brown hair and wearing a dark jacket and dark jeans.

Anyone in the vicinity at the time who may have seen the driver or the white car or anyone acting suspiciously is asked to contact Detective Sergeant Peter Andrews on 08457 444888 quoting crime number c/643388.