I HOPE no-one who lost power for days following the storms will meekly accept Aquila's brass-necked cheek in unilaterally dictating there will be no compensation.

Of course, their senior managers are banking that you will. Quite literally.

The continuance of the fat salaries and bonuses they have made from cutting the old MEB to the bone depends on it.

Yet we all know what happened as soon as the sorry skeleton crew they have left in place had to face a test.

The emergency was far more widespread, and lasted days longer than it needed to.

Everyone who suffered prolonged loss of power should complain and demand compensation.

Ask for £50 for the first 18 hours, and £25 for each 12-hour period thereafter.

They have only 30 days in which to claim. Tell them they have a couple of weeks to pay up.

If they don't, start chasing them.

Keep copies of all your letters, and copy them to: Ofgem, 9 Millbank, London SW1P 3GE; Energywatch, 156 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B£ 3HN; and to npower, whose address is on your electricity bill.

This will let these organisations know what public feeling is, and alert them that they will be required to take action if Aquila maintain their arrogant approach to paying customers.

I suggest people also send copies to their MP.

And one last point. Be prepared for storms - of a temperamental nature this time.

Hell hath no fury like managers who have it pointed out to them that they don't seem able to manage.


Ribbesford Road, Areley Kings